Public Design Commission’s Quality Affordable Housing Database: 1180 4th Street
1180 Fourth Street is included in the Public Design Commission’s Quality Affordable Housing Database
Following the release of the Designing New York: Quality Affordable Housing publication, the Public Design Commission expanded the New York City-focus of the original project and gathered information on affordable housing case studies from across the United States and abroad. Showcased on this platform, the hope is that this publicly accessible database and expanded body of research will spark advancements in the national and global conversation around quality affordable housing design.
The format of the database is intended to offer summaries of development data and design principles, allowing for research done to-date to be geo-coded, searchable, and fully accessible to the public. Specifically, the Public Design Commission hopes that this database will:
- provide national and global context for affordable housing innovation;
- illustrate globally applicable best practices in affordable housing design;
- offer examples that illustrate creative and successful design approaches to challenging sites, tight budgets, and ambitious programs;
- advocate for cost-effective, holistic, and universally adaptable approaches to creating housing and urban design excellence; and
- emphasize public realm enhancements and community benefits that can be achieved through design.
The case studies in this database include some of the best affordable housing recently built across the globe. These examples illustrate a diversity of creative and successful design approaches, demonstrating design excellence and a range of architectural achievement. Together, they pave the way for the next generation of affordable housing design to not only produce better buildings, but to better serve our communities around the world.
Please consult the Guiding Principles section of this platform for additional information on case study selection, design considerations, and principles of best practice.